We're a group of guys that learned along
time ago that if we didn't learn to have fun
while in recovery we probably wouldn't stick
around long.
Recovery doesn't
have to be boring!
We have Chapter Members
stretched out all over Northern Kentucky.
Our recovery ranges from a few weeks to many
years but only One Day At A Time. We would
welcome you to join us at one of our monthly
motorcycle meetings (we meet the 2nd Sunday of every month) and hang around
to see if this might be for you. We know
A.R.M. isn't for everyone and everyone isn't for
A.R.M. Many a
well meaning old timer said we had to hang
up our leathers,
sell our bike
and cut our hair to stay sober.
We know
ARM is the world's
largest group of clean and sober bikers.
We are bikers who have
chosen to remain clean and sober without
forsaking the lifestyle of brotherhood in
the wind. We have been able to grow through
our respect for other MC's in our areas and
by respecting the individuality of our
ARM is not affiliated
with any other motorcycle club, association,
sect, denomination or institution. We
maintain neutrality with all other clubs,
associations, and institutions.
We do not require
members to ride a specific brand of
nor do we ridicule the
member's personal choices. We do not claim
our modified lifestyle to be the only truth,
nor do we suggest that any other lifestyle
is inappropriate. We are bikers who have
chosen abstinence because it is what we
believe in for ourselves. For some of us, it
is the only way we can continue to survive.
The Association of Recovering Motorcyclists
is not affiliated with any 12-step program.
ARM members attend these meetings and
respect the traditions. We are not bound by
the tradition of anonymity.